Laissez Faire

Letting Life Lead

Yeah Write #118: Granny Knots ( #amwriting #microstory )

Her fingers are dressed in weathered rings. A lifetime of lacework mottles her skin. Wrinkled, rough knuckles slide beneath tatting threads; fingers shift the shuttle, pulling assured knots.

My flower droops.

“Lovely,” she says.


“Nothing wrong with loosey-goosey.” She chair dances, never dropping the count. “Another!”


5 comments on “Yeah Write #118: Granny Knots ( #amwriting #microstory )

  1. Katie E.
    April 4, 2019

    The dialogue is really tight: developing the characters and giving us information in minimum words. You also have great word choices (mottles and Loosey-goosey :D), and i like the alliteration “shift the shuttle” and “lovely / lopsided / loosey-goosey”. I wondered if it should be “chair-dances”? (also a great image :D) You’ve knit/knotted this one well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Laissez Faire
      April 11, 2019

      Ivthinkvyouvare right about the hyphen. Granny was such a light spirit 🙂 glad it came through in the few bits of dialogue


  2. Jennifer Mierisch
    April 4, 2019

    Great imagery in here. I have no idea what “dropping the count” means, I assume it must be a knitting term?


  3. Christine
    April 4, 2019

    Beautiful characterizations here. I’m not a very visual person, but you gave me enough to be able to picture the grandmother clearly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Laissez Faire
      April 11, 2019

      Thanks. I see the stories in my head like a movie and that can be hard to get into words.


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