Laissez Faire

Letting Life Lead

Yeah Write #122: Vis-à-vis With a Time Traveler ( #amwriting #microstory )

Ethan shifted; a sofa spring twanged. “Say again!?”

Alice sipped coffee. “Marbles in deep grooves stay stuck–”

“–without a catastrophic catalyst.”

“Right,” she said. “No groove…easy to make them fall.”

“Like altering a timeline via people?”


“Last time, water was your example.”

9 comments on “Yeah Write #122: Vis-à-vis With a Time Traveler ( #amwriting #microstory )

  1. prettyflyforawhitemom
    May 2, 2019

    I think this is a really interesting dialogue and an inventive take on the prompt, but I feel like I’m missing something to fully understand the scene.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Imaginings
    May 2, 2019

    I understand from your title that one of the characters, probably Alice, is a time traveler. But I agree with prettyflyforawhitemom that there is some plot component missing for us to fully understand the scene. I like how the last line calls into the past and perhaps bespeaks the confusion of explaining time travel?


    • Laissez Faire
      May 2, 2019

      Ethan is the time traveler and he has just realized that Alice is a “free agent”…a random element not stuck in a time groove (ie Whenever they meet she does something a little differen of her own accord). It’s a big idea and I just an out of time to whittle it down.


      • Imaginings
        May 2, 2019

        Sounds like you’ve got the starts for a longer story maybe even a novel! I’d read it!


  3. Asha
    May 2, 2019

    I like the timey-wimeyness of this piece, but I wanted a little more detail. I had some trouble figuring out the different theories they were discussing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Laissez Faire
      May 2, 2019

      I ran out of time to smooth the edges. It was supposed to be an “aha” moment.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Asha
        May 3, 2019

        Oh! I see that now you’ve said it. Honestly, micro is the form I find the most difficult. Formulating a complete story in so few words that’s imbued with emotion and interest? My perpetual Everest.


  4. Donna-Louise Bishop
    May 2, 2019

    Oh! I so wanted to know more. I liked that this left me with questions.


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